Friday, January 28, 2005

Emotional Exhaustion built on a Physically Sick body

First week back in school ... It really has been a whirlwind. Ups and downs, good grades, 70's, and a rejected paper. I still can get over the latter ...
The dancing thing can't work. It just can't - there's no time! Sundays are to relax, and I already have Bio labs and piano lessons. The rest of the week is either colonized by Chesed - though I could let off one day - and Erev Shira practice.
I'm just really gone right now. Got two debates coming up in two different classes arguing relatively the same point from two different sides. So weird!
Could you all just comment? Eli, you most of all, since you're too aloof to have a blog of your own!!


Blogger Ernest Scribbler said...

drop the chesed crap, and concentrate on your own sanity!

1:47 AM  

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