A State of Utter Flabbergastation
Ernest came in this week. It's been so great, him and Eli hanging around. First night we sat around with Ema making fun of life and its inhabitants. The next night, two days ago, Ema and Papa went to Meet the Fockers while Ernest and I saw Lemony Snicket for the mere reason that he liked saying the name. Last night Eli came over and showed me how to use the new digital camcorder the parents got me for Chanuka. Look out world! I've got a camera and I'm not afraid to use it.
The stress is starting to pile on; midterms start next week, along with about six different projects due for about four different classes. Ayelet, I'm really starting to relate, and would like to formally apologize for having provoked you every night while you were going through this stupid you-know-what.
Why am I in such a good mood?!!
"Tsiona's our...simple child" - he's an author of a famous series and they made a movie of his unauthorized biography.(right?) I'm so jealous of you liege, Ernest gave you undivided and screwed up attention! Hold that memory for as long as possible, because I have none! Roch wanted to see Meet the Fockers so first she rented Meet the Parents. Hang in there! Soon you'll be shaking hands with Mickey Mouse and snapping digital photos with Daisy Duck!
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