Friday, May 06, 2005

Blabber Blab Blab Blabbity Blabber

I took my AP US history exam today. Whew - so glad it's over. I was exhausted while I was taking it, for crying out loud!
Missing everybody of course ... hope the plane trips were good for those who took them. UA & DL have been coming. Very amusing, especially when someone whose name starts with a teh and ends with an ess calls up in the middle.
I saw this movie with Kevin Bacon; I think it's from the eighties, called Footloose. So up my alley. Did any of you see it?

Time for sleep. I can't wait to take a short nap- aargh! nooooooo!!!! the biology study guide is starting to attack me!!


Blogger Ernest Scribbler said...

poke it's eyes liege! poke it in the eyes! it's biology study guides only weakness...

11:28 AM  

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