Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Pesach Withdrawal Symptoms

Feeling depressed ... everyone's leaving me. BTW, it's over w/ the DL thing. It's amazing how quickly it can come and go.
Aargh, my friend's been mirroring my feelings lately, about how there are no life goals. It's making me even more depressed than this boring school I have to go to. Both AP exams are coming up soon, and I'm studying my brains out while Ema, Jelly & UA are downstairs watching movies.
Well, see you guys around. KIT. I miss you all. (If you are not a sibling and should not be reading this blog anyway, this does not apply to you. Whoever I'm speaking to knows who they are.)


Blogger Ernest Scribbler said...

aaaaw! bojo shmelobo!

11:23 PM  
Blogger Lela Harbinger said...

(silence as a foolish smile plays upon her slack lips)

12:07 AM  

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