Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Almost Finals Time

Okay ...
Thurdsay night was Lag BaOmer, and my whole class came over. Ema really outdid herself with the balloons and food and everything. We played a couple of games - If ... then, a survey, the props game, and noodle talk for those girls who wanted to stay an extra half hour.
Last night was Senior Dinner: I didn't get dance head ... I'm going to be newspaper editor again and captions head for the yearbook. Should be fun. Me and a couple of girls left in the middle and walked to Great Chicago where I finally met this friend they had been talking about for ages, but I only go to say hi and bye before we had to head back.
Ema's been lecturing me on associating with the right people. But these are my friends! For crying out loud. Ah, screw the system.


Blogger Ernest Scribbler said...

yeah, stick it the man liege!

12:19 PM  

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