Monday, February 28, 2005

Oscar Night

So me, BR, and CW had an Oscar party last night. I got three bags of candy, and every time there was a discrepancy in who we thought would win, we bet our candy in the middle. It was so much fun! But I thought the ceremony was a little on the down side this year, no? Well, I had some milchig popcorn when I was fleishig, neglected my biology reading ... oh yeah, and you-know-who kept coming down to watch with us, and by the end CW and BR had left and it was just ... Heh, heh, just making sure you all were still reading! Love you all.

And wish me luck on this ___ Erev Shira. Dress rehearsal tonight. (Calvin with his hands clenched and his face tilted all the way back screaming AAARGH!)


Blogger Ernest Scribbler said...

who is this bloddy mysterry man?

1:38 AM  
Blogger Ernest Scribbler said...


1:39 AM  
Blogger Lela Harbinger said...

because when all of you come for pesach you won't let me forget it and you'll all embarrass me!!

9:55 PM  
Blogger Ernest Scribbler said...


12:50 AM  
Blogger Ernest Scribbler said...

why the heck did i write anarchy? (scratching head). must've been an ambien thing

12:51 AM  
Blogger Lela Harbinger said...

sorry, tess ... i can't decide if i want to write 'i wish' or not ...

11:11 PM  
Blogger Lela Harbinger said...

are you truly an anarchist, my dear correspondent?

11:11 PM  

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