Tuesday, August 30, 2005

X-Men Mark

I took my senior pictures today, along with my fedora and Ema. It's too bad the bottom of my wrist wasn't in any shots - I've got this really cool allergic reaction to that henna tattoo I got on Ben Yehuda, a bunch of dots - mini-hives - in the exact formation of the tattoo. I knew about it before the black wore off because of the bumps, but now you can actually see it - so cool! Apparently I'm the one in about ten thousand who really did have to try out the plant paste before application ......


Blogger Ernest Scribbler said...

what are your secret powers? (mine is invisibility... i can disappear without a trace)

1:17 AM  
Blogger Lela Harbinger said...

mine is shape shifting .... any personality i please

11:55 PM  
Blogger Ernest Scribbler said...

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11:52 AM  

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