Monday, July 04, 2005

License to Go

Well, it looks like this is gonna be my last post for a while. So ... I got my driver's license. Oh yeah. Give it to me.
Spent the weekend at S & S; am now at D & M's. Leaving for the Holy Land tonight, ten minutes shy of midnight. I had a lovely little enlightening from the dear Ernest Scribbler yesterday; gotta love the people who challenge everything you've got going.
Anyhow, I'm gonna try and make this summer count. Some way; I have no idea what to expect from this camp. I guess we'll see what happens. Good luck, Tess! We're all rooting for you! Second in the fam, not bad ...


Blogger AMUS1 said...

I thought for a second you wrote I'm going to try and make out this summer. Heehee!

4:50 AM  

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