Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Ema's B-day!!!

Don't forget, it's on the fourth!
So ... what's everyone been up to? Eli, I tried sending your Chanuka present, but it didn't work out, so I think Papa sent it in the mail with your book from Tess .... ES, still gotta send yours, sorry about that, no it's not a real present, yes it is very small, no it is not rubber duckies again, yes it is just as weird .... Finals start this week. Then vacation. Just found out I'm gonna get to perform in my dance recital at the end of the year, because there's an all-women performance! I finished applying everywhere, thank everything that has power over that, ten places in all for crying out loud! But anyhow, if anyone else has any ideas as to where my life should be headed, please send them in. I'm collecting them for a memoir, then I'm sending it in to the Guinness Book of World Records.
Luv u all!


Blogger AMUS1 said...

She still writes! Amazing!
Know what your first choice in sem. is? We're going to have so much fun on shabboses next year!Can't wait Liege!

4:41 AM  

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