Sunday, March 27, 2005

Delicious Dilemmas

Man, this weekend was wild! ES, you still recovering from our little drive through town?
Papa tried to save money by flying into Islip - you know, that little town in the middle of nowhere that's forty-five minutes from where we're supposed to be? So anyhow, we were driving from there to Lawrence to Manhattan to Monsey and back the whole time. Thurday night was the best - D & M's annual Purim bash. I'm telling you, that place was stuffed to the brim. And I met this really nice guy ...
Shabbos with the maternal grandparents. Heard some great stories from Savta. Motzei Shabbos - well, ES can tell you about most of that. Let's just put it this way: I'm only five hours away from my license as of today!!

I'm so torn - three guys I'm crazy for, and all for different reasons. It makes it all the more harder, since it's all unspoken, and if I turn my head just the right (or wrong) way it doesn't even exist. I feel so - aargh - I don't know ... I can't decide if it's great or beyond my scope of capablities.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

On My Day

So ... I am of age! A moment in history. I remember Nat once saying that 16 was his best year. I'm wondering if it runs in the family.
School was bliss; I had such a great day. I'm so much happier than last year - I didn't expect as much, since I hadn't been keeping up with everyone else's birthday until now, and I actually gave something to everyone else on my birthday, so I was feeling pretty good about myself. BR made the most delicious butterscotch brownies, and last night CW showed up with hand-picked balloons, home-made cake, and gift, straight from tae-kwon-doh, so she was bouncing off the ceiling. She even got Mr. Wiz to sing happy birthday to me in Hebrew! I loved the messages, you guys. It's been a great day.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Woes of the Liege

We had a class shabbaton this week; I stayed at BR's house with BB and DJ. We were late to nearly everything - including parshat zachor, which we made up in the afternoon - but I had a great time. It was weird being the only one who davened.
Motzei shabbos we went cruising, then came back and watched TV for about three hours. Any of you see the eighties movie "Satisfaction"? Julia Roberts, Justine Bateman, or something like that.
Papa's back from his cult thing.

I really hate that I'm so codependent on other people. I wish I could just be a bubble in school, not give a damn what they all think of me - I wouldn't care about the labeled 'social climber' who snubs me, the girl who I thought was looking out for me, the girl who says things like "It's okay with me if we're friends, but when you disrupt the class it really annoys me" as if I'm some charity case who's getting on her nerves, the people who so obviously don't listen when I talk. I hate that I have to be accepted by everyone, and can't just go on with a "hi" to people who are closer to me than others. It definitely doesn't help that every month I get depressed anyway.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Beware the Ides of March

Feeling neglected. Not getting any respect. Always something more important than me. Feeling spoiled.
Ugh ... now I'm fat and sick. I decided that my birthday present to myself will be to be down to 140 pounds. 5 pounds in one week. I believe I can do it, if I can stay off the chocolate endorphins for that long.

Monday, March 14, 2005

First of the First

I am officially the only one in the school to have taken the new SAT. So exciting!
Ema and Papa got me an iPod for my birthday!!! AHHHH!!! I can't believe it! Eli, you better high-tail on over here and explain it to me! I'm so excited!

Well, I can still be mad at them for abandoning me, though: they are BOTH leaving on Wednesday! Ema to Israel, Papa to his little cult Meshibush thing. Lucky for them I have a class shabbaton this week. Aargh.

Oh, yeah - I entered a short story contest, but it had to be under 1500 words so I had to edit!!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Not much to say ...

Hey, everyone! Internet's up and running again.
I'm taking the new and improved SATs on Sunday. Erev Shira is tomorrow and motzash.
Not much is new so far ... oh, right. Saw Ocean's 11. AWESOME movie. The dialogue was so out of this world.
Love you guys!