Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Giving Up

I need sleep. Not just because I'm falling asleep; also because the lack thereof is tricking me into thinking terrible things. It's making me depressed. It's giving my life the monotony of waking up in the morning initiating a wish that extends throughout the day to go right back to bed. Please, no comments telling me to just force myself. It's a lost cause. I've lost all self-discipline; I know it, because my two main goals in life are to lose weight (I gained 20 pounds since the beginning of last year) and to get more sleep.


Blogger Ernest Scribbler said...

maybe little steps. what help me (when i'm trying to crack down on my lack of self-descipline) is not to set definitive goals like that, but to see if i can keep it up for one week. To say, for example, my project this week is to see if i can get into bed at midnight every night, no excuses for a week. It sounds easy, but it's not. It's worth trying to accomplish these baby steps and build up confidence in your ability to fulfill a goal and eventually...

7:21 PM  

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