Officially on the School Hit List
On Thursday, I had a run in with a teacher when she said that Arthurian legend came from the Welsh. I argued the French; she said that I was wrong. Nothing to it, I was wrong. I, being the big-mouthed, stupidest creature on earth at that point, said, "I'll be sure to check up on that."
And in a spectacular show of inability to control her emotions, the teacher stomped out of the room, slamming the door. Her relation, who learns in our class, seemed to think she was taking an objective view when she said that I had been very rude.
(Note: I have said the former or one of its variants many times. I expected the teacher to laugh it off, expecting I'd come back the next day and say she was right.)
Anyhow, two minutes later the Hebrew studies principal (who I absolutely can't stand) came and with a very somber look on her face (these people enjoy getting you into trouble. I'm telling you) called me and a close friend of mine down to the office. My friend had no idea why she was being called (it turned out that she hadn't been looking at the teacher, and this generated disrespect. It probably came about from a separate run-in she had with this very teacher), but when I went in I got the whole deal with "you do know why what you did was wrong" and that it's "very chutzpadik and disrespectful". Of course I went to apologize to the teacher; she said that she had never expected me, of all people, to say to her "You don't know what you're talking about." I did mean that in a twisted sort of way, but I did not say that and it was completely subconscious - I happen to not have very respectful feelings with regards to her. Maybe it's because of the hypocrisy of it all. Then, she calls me back to her desk a second later and says that she'll treat this as if it never happened and hopes I'll do the same. Like hell I will.
The next day she gave me a 'chance' to pretend it never happened, and asked me if I had done any research. I was very cool and didn't smile. I guess there goes my 'chance'.
My friend's parents went in for a meeting with the principal today. She will not be returning to the class. It seems that I am officially the next person the school will pick on, as my friend's parents have retaliated beautifully and with due criticism. The apprehension is building ... well, I never did ask for a boring year.
Yes, Naftali. If it comes to that, I will be moving to the Academy if I'm accepted.
Oh, Liege. What a story. Unfortunately there will always be institutions of power (like school, principles, teachers, adults etc.) who will attempt to assimilate you and repress your uniqueness. Creativity - a necessarily violent form of difference - scares these people more than anything else. And they abuse their positions of power in an attempt to repress it and retain order, stability, predictability etc. Whatever you do, don't let them win. I'm not saying you have to be in their face about it, maybe you aren't there yet. But inside, don't let it get to you. Realize that you have something dangerous and exciting in you that they are frightened of because it challenges their banal conception of the world. And never stop arguing with teachers. The best kind of education (any philosopher will tell you, as well as the style of the Gemara, exemplified by the story of Resh Lakish and Rabbi Yochanan, in case anyone demands a "sacred" source) comes from the productive counterpoint of students challenging their teacher. I love you immensely. Never stop becoming who you are, whatever the cost!
No, Tess, I'm not with you on that one. humility is a device of the weak to justify their inferior position (see Nietzsche on slave morality...). Arguing comes precisely from a space of arrogance, an excessive and healthy narcissism that exults in challenge and action. We are most alive when we are risking, actively choosing, free of the inhibitions and inertia of reflection and so-called humility. Rather than cogito ergo sum (or even R.Soloveitchik's credo ergo sum) my motto is - Insurgo ergo sum!
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