Monday, July 18, 2005

Two Muffins Were Sitting in an Oven

But one was a ventriloquist! Ahahahaha!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

Does the Phrase Farina-Face Mean Anything to You?

I really can't believe it. I have a teacher for Eicha who is like all those ones you hear about and read about, but never actually have. In the middle of class, he'll suddenly do a jig, or sing a song, or open the window and yell "Help! I'm being held prisoner!" It's such an elation to know that people like him exist. He wears a black hat and tie each day, yet his cellphone ring is an Eminem rap (which he claimed is only a cell phone ring, of course).
So, anyhow, I'm still trying to find my place. Got back from a 2-day trip to Eilat last night; yes, I put on the bloody sunscreen and got a great tan. Had a sunrise hike and swam with harmless jellyfish that felt like the weirdest things in the world. Tonight Rachel Factor is coming, that JAP show - I already saw it, but it should be fun anyway.
Miss you all ... riding up my cellphone bill with people I could talk to for five times as long, so sorry if I'm not calling ... love you!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

News from the Great Land

Hi everyone! I've got 10 minutes at a time. This place is like a 5-star hotel after Sternberg. Only problem is that I'm still jet-lagging and not always around people I can talk to, so I got a bit depressed. But I'm okay now - just have to stick around the gabby people and it'll be alright.
I can't wait to see everyone! That whole drama thing the night I came really could have waited until I was in a position to deal with disappointment better, I'm really annoyed at all those involved. I'll talk to you all later ... so long!

Monday, July 04, 2005

License to Go

Well, it looks like this is gonna be my last post for a while. So ... I got my driver's license. Oh yeah. Give it to me.
Spent the weekend at S & S; am now at D & M's. Leaving for the Holy Land tonight, ten minutes shy of midnight. I had a lovely little enlightening from the dear Ernest Scribbler yesterday; gotta love the people who challenge everything you've got going.
Anyhow, I'm gonna try and make this summer count. Some way; I have no idea what to expect from this camp. I guess we'll see what happens. Good luck, Tess! We're all rooting for you! Second in the fam, not bad ...